A word from our Pastor June 2010

May 14, 2010

in Monthly comment

scribeWhere would we be these days without Charity shops? For a start many more retail retail premises in the town would be vacant. But also many fol wouldn’t have the evident pleasure, when something apparently new they are wearing is favourably commented upon, of saying, “Do you like it? Only £5 in the Charity shop!”

Oh yes, there’s a burgeoning market for second hand-clothes (and other things), and probably many of our childrem have had hand-me downs. (And why did the man with the one hand cross the road? To get to the second-hand shop).

It may save us time and money to buy second hand, whether through a charity shop or on Ebay, but one thing we cannot live on is a second hand faith.

When the Israelites first entered the Promised land with Joshua they saw God’s mighty acts and believed – The people served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen all the great things the LORD had done for Israel. Judges 2 vs 7

But sadly, the very next generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. Judges 2 vs 10. and wasn’t long before they turned aside to worship other Gods (v 12.) They didn’t make their parent’s faith their own.

No generation can live of the faith of the previous generation. We can & should be thankful for all that has been taught us of the gospel, but every generation needs a firsthand faith in the Lord Jesus. There’s no second hand faith.

I rember speaking on this subject once before and referring to it as “a piggy-back” faith – the idea some people some people seem to have, if unwittingly, that because their parents, or their wife or husband are believers, they’ll be alright them-selves. Someone else can be praying for them, and surely God will accept them on that basis. It’s a piggy-back, second hand hope that just will not stand. If your faith is not personalised, it’s not faith.

Are you relying on someone else’s faith and trust in God. Remember, Romans 14 vs 12 tells us that each of us will give an account of himself to God. Take that step now to confess Christ Jesus as your Lord. And if you’re not sure where you stand spiritually, now’s the opportunity to join the Christianity Explored that’s just starting. Don’t put it off any longer.

Steve Piggott

June 2010

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