Monthly Calendar, Future Dates & Rotas

Dates for the Month

Click to enlarge July 2024 dates:


Dates for 2024

  • Feb Sun 24th – Fellowship tea at 4.30pm All warmly invited. Bring your own food, drinks provided.
  • March Sat 23rd – Easter Book table in Carfax
  • March Sun 24th – Easter T@4 4pm
  • June Sat 29th – Church Awayday ( see details above)
  • July Sun 21st – Sunday School Anniversary
  • Sept 20–22nd – Grace Baptist Women’s Assoc. (GBWA) Weekend Conference, High Leigh
  • Sept  Sun 29th – Harvest Sunday
  • October Sat 5th – AGBC(SE) Annual meetings, Homerton
  • October Sat 26th – Grace Baptist Mission Annual meetings, Friends mtg House, Euston
  • December Sun 8th – Christingle Service
  • Christmas Book Table – in the Carfax
  • December Sun 22nd – Carols by Candlelight

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