Saturday 13th November was a great evening for all who came to celebrate Ghana, its cuisine, raising awareness of the orphanage project in Santrokofi and to learn more about the lovely children at The Living Faith Foundation home in Sogakope. There were over 60 people there, half from Rehoboth and the other half friends, family and volunteers from the summer in Ghana.
There were some great displays, Hannah and Bethan B had photos of the children and miscellaneous items from Sogakope, Joe and Ben displayed Kwame’s paintings most of which sold with 20% going to RHF. Kinza had made a display of the Santrokofi summer camp and Simon showed plans on the orphanage and funds still needed. A video showe
d throughout the evening with photos from this summer in Ghana.
A great choice of Ghanaian food was on offer. Hannah, Danni, Judy, Bethan M, Sally and Kat produced Ghanaian stew with rice, Jollof Rice, Plantain and redred, also Yam chips with pepper sauce and banku! The food seemed to be very much enjoyed.
Also a silent auction was hosted by Kevin. There were 10 items to bid for. Kevin updated us throughout the evening and final bids raised over £250. We are very grateful to those who bid and those who donated.
With the auction, sale of paintings and cards, entry to the evening and donations, over £600 was raised for The Raising Hope Foundation. Thank you to all who helped in the event and especially to all who came and supported the RHF. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and feedback has been very positive. A message from Agnes Appiah afterwards was “May God bless you all”
For further information visit: Raising Hope Foundation
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