A word from our Pastor October 2010

October 5, 2010

in Monthly comment

A Day of Serious Joy

Sorting through a file of papers relating to church matters the other day I came accross the agenda for the Grace baptist Mission Annual Meetings of 24th October 2006. It’s a wonder I hadn’t disposed of it by now. But I noticed that I had jotted a few notes of what the chairman of the opening session of the day had said:

“Today is Barnabas Day – the day of Encouragement!….Barnabus was always glad to see evidence of the grace of God (Acts 11vs 23)”

We are encourages to see that October day as a day to be encourages as we heard of the Lord’s work in various countries, and to encourage one another as we had fellowship together. The speaker added “Let this be a day of serious joy. may the Barnanbases be thick on the ground!”

I’d forgotten what had been said, but was glad I’d taken a few notes because, while indeed GBM day was, and always is a day of encouragement, what struck me was a bit more personal – it was Barnabas day in my life. You see, that October day was just a few months after I’d lost my dear Dee. I was playing the piano for the evening meeting when Jonathan introduced himself – yes, the Johnathan through whom I was later to meet my new wife, Sandra.

Looking back, I see how God in his goodness was ordering my life and, although it didn’t register at the time, he had prepared me in that morning message for encouragement and ’serious joy’ to come.

As you look back can you see experiences in your life that should encourage you to keep trusting & obeying & waiting on the Lord? Give thanks for those ‘Barnabases thick on the ground’ who have encouraged you – the signs that God has his hand on your life in every experience of life. may we each be Barnabases on the  ground.

Steve Piggott

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