Pick n Mix
Some 60 years ago Woolworths storees introduced “pick n mix” on their sweet counters. I remember it from when I was a boy. You could choose a few of this sort of sweet and a few of that – I can’t remember the names of them, you would gather a variety of what you fancied in a little bag, hand it to the assitant who weighed it and you paid for it (perhaps not jonly just cash, but probably at your dentist’s later!).
In this world we are encouraged to have a “pick n mix” approach to life. “Do your own thing”, we’re urged. “Try this, try that” – and never mind the consequences. We live in what is called a pluralistic society”. This may have a number of interpretations, but focussing on spirituality we find a plethora of idea, religions and cults to pick and mix as we want.
Atheists and secularists may try to make out there is no such thing as God, nor any spiritual dimension to human life, but judging by the number of psychic fayres there are these days, many people are obviously seeking something to satisfy their human spiritual need.
The trouble is at psychic fayres there are all sorts of religious and new age ideas to pick up and mix – try them out and see what you get out of them. The Message translates the apostle Paul’s comments about such people thus: “depressed by their sinfulness,(they) take up with every new religious fad that calls itself “truth”. They get exploited every time and never realy learn” (2 Tim 3 vs 6-7).
If only people could realise THE Truth and that it’s found in only one person – Jesus Christ. He made it so clear in his statement in John 14 vs 6 “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father (to God) except through me.” In other words, there’s no need for a fayre to advertise a variety of supposed spiritual answers – indeed those answers are false. We need no “pick n mix” to find the answers. There’s only one answer and it’s through trusting Christ – the Truth.
An old hymn put it like this:
I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that he died for me (L. Edmunds).
I hope that’s your testimony, as it is mine. May we be given opportunities to share the truth with those who are still lost in the supermarket of quasi religious offers. But if that’s where you are – lost, I urge yo to dispense with the bag of spiritual sweeties you’ve collected and seek only the Truth in the Lord Jesus Christ. You won’t be dissapointed.
Steve Piggott
May 2011
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