Thought for the month (Sept 2011)

September 18, 2011

in Monthly comment, Uncategorized

Luke 14:28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost”.

As I write this, Hurricane Irene, downgraded to a tropical storm has passed over the US eastern seaboard and left in its wake a trail of destruction. Such is the damage that President Obama has declared it a disaster releasing federal aid as those affected count the cost of the clear up. Sometimes counting the cost after the event is inevitable as unexpected circumstances overtake or overwhelm us.

However, even in that case we can often prepare for adversity. If you live in an area prone to such climatic extremes, you know they will occur. Timing is the big uncertainty and so it makes sense to be organised in a way that allows you to secure what you can quickly and be ready to leave your home at short notice, hopefully only temporarily, should it be necessary.

Luke however paints the opposite picture for us. When we can, we should properly consider the potential cost of an action in advance. How many of us would invite someone to undertake a major home improvement project without getting estimates first? Understanding the cost, whether that be to ourselves, the effect on others around us or the general impression we create by our actions is something we ignore at our peril. As Christians, our witness is often judged not on the headline actions we undertake but often the small ones we think go unnoticed.

What ”Towers”, big or small are you contending with at present and how are you approaching them. Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty. Why is it we ignore him so often…… until we get into trouble that is?

Kevin Borrett
Sept 2011

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