Thought for the month (October 2011)

October 13, 2011

in Monthly comment, Uncategorized

Harvest time again

“He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son”

Proverbs 10vs 5

We’ve had a  harvest in our garden this year – two bumper crops. One is

apples which has presented us with the challenge of trying to collect them

before they drop to avoid bruising. Alas, quite a lot reach the ground
before we can reach them. The other crop is acorns. If you drive into our
entrance you have a very crunchy experience and if you walk in you are
liable to have them drop on your head. As fast as we sweep them up more
We’re glad to offer the apples to anyone who’d like some, although this year
most people seem to have had bumper crops themselves and there is less
demand for our spares. But you are welcome. We would offer the acorns but,
well, has anyone got a pig or two!
Isn’t our Creator God amazing in the way he causes the earth to bring forth
so abundantly year after year. I have to admit I do virtually nothing to my
apple trees year after year, and yet God enables them to bring forth a
liberal crop most years. I certainly do nothing about our oak tree year
after year yet its crop is a-corn – u – copia!
And Jesus used the harvest picture to illustrate to his disciples the urgent
need to reach people who are ready to hear the gospel. ‘The harvest is
plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Matt 9:37,38. Does it seem to
us that many people aren’t interested, let alone ready to hear? Perhaps
we’ll be surprised if we take the time to be available to talk about the
Lord Jesus with friends or others that we meet. God prepares hearts. It’s
for us to pray and go to the harvest field around us with the Gospel.
The text on the front which warns against complacency and laziness is
translated in the Message thus: Make hay while the sun shines – that’s
smart; go fishing during harvest – that’s stupid.
OK, let’s get out there relying on the Lord of the harvest.

Steve Piggott


Oct 2011

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