The next t@4 will be held at 4pm on Sunday 13th May. t@4 is designed for families who want to worship God in an informal way. Come along and enjoy some songs, stories and crafts followed by refreshments.
May t@4 (13th May 2012)
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It was good to see such a happy group of families at the Easter special. We heard the story of how the people celebrated when Jesus entered Jerusalem yet how they were soon to shout out to demand that he be put to death on a cross. Although this was incredibly sad, it was all part of God’s plan. Death was not the end for He rose again after 3 days showing that he has the power to defeat even death. In dying on the cross he died as a sacrifice that the bad things we do, our sins might be forgiven once and for all. If we know him for ourselves and have said sorry for those bad things we do we too may know that our sins have been forgiven.