Fellowship News April 2012

April 24, 2012

in Fellowship News

Praying for April Showers of Blessing!
Sundays in April – It was 2 years ago that we last shared with Brighton Road Baptist for our Easter evening service. We have the welcome opportunity to do so this Easter Sunday. Tim Carter and the church there will be leading the service and we from Rehoboth will be contributing one or two items, including a short drama from the Warner studios! And Steve will preach.
Do please en-deavour to join us there so that Rehoboth will be well represented. Kevin will be leading our Easter morning worship, and don’t forget our Good Friday service at 10 am led by Stuart. The service will finish in time for any wishing to go to the Carfax for the service there at 11.10am. You may like to join the procession from Brighton Rd.
On April 15th we look forward to a visit from Derek Clark, who is an evangelist with Outreach UK, based in Cranleigh, and then the OUK Liaison manager, Trevor Dickerson will be with us on 29th.
Meanwhile we have the welcome return of our friend David Steere from Ipswich on the 22nd.
Please note Wednesday 25th we have a visit from Barry King at 7.45pm. Barry leads the work of Grace Baptist Partnership that has been instrumental in reopening, or rejuvenating churches in a number of places. Barry will be sharing about the work and telling us of the new outreach about to commence in Charlwood, starting with an evangelism day there on Sat 28th April. Please try to be present that Wednesday, as it replaces our normal Weds groups that week.
Thank you to those who’ve already donated to the Food Collection bag at the front of the church. Non-perishable items – tins, dried food etc. that are dropped in the bag will, when the bag is full, be taken to the Brighton & Hove City Mission for distribution to needy folk. We would like to make this an ongoing facility, so that maybe you could add an extra item to your normal shopping for the bag.
Preaching out this month:
1st David Ansell—Reigate
15th Andrew Cooke – Slinfold PM
22nd Steve Piggott – Redhill am
Praying & caring for the Community
For prayer this month – Station Road, Barrington Road, Oakhill Road

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