Our young people (Aug 2012)

August 1, 2012

in Fellowship News, Uncategorized

Rhys Stonely recently shared with us his hopes of undertaking a project in the Autumn. He writes:

In October St. John Ambulance, Little Hampton Academy & Windlesham School, are joining up with the Christian Relief Education & Development Foundation and will be working at a remote and impoverished school, near Hyderabad, South Eastern India. I will be teaching 7 year olds providing training in first aid to ensure parents and staff are skilled to become the difference between a life lost and a life saved.
If you would like to help make a difference to the children we meet please visit this web-site: www.justgiving.com/stjohnambulancesussexindia2012. Please quote my name (Rhys Stonely). Last year the group raised enough to also fund the schools own well to supply all their water needs and to pay for another teaching post for a year.

Then there’s Nick Cooke. He writes:

Hello, this Nick (you know the one with dreadlocks and no shoes). In the new year I’m going away for a few months do some mission work with an organisation called Serving in Mission (www.sim.co.uk/stories/uk/nicks_challenge ) I’ll also be away for about a month before Christmas do some training with them. I don’t know where I will be going yet but it will probably be somewhere in Africa or South America. In order to raise some of the money I need to do this, I’m going to run the Farnham Pilgrim marathon on the 16th September and I would be very grateful to any of you that would be willing to sponsor me and also remember me in your prayers.


We are very privileged to have a good number of young people within the church. As a Sun-day school teacher I get the opportunity to work with some of them. I also meet young people in & out of the church through the work of the Raising Hope Foundation. It’s marvellous to see them develop and, where they know the Lord, to see Him working in their lives.
Many of our young people are showing a real interest in working overseas, Nick Cooke in mis-sionary support work, Rees Stonely on his St John’s trip to India, Rachel Warner on her trip next year to Kenya, Bethan & Sam Borrett, Kinza & Joe Mason with their summer school trip in Ghana.
We’ve got others going on summer camps e.g. Maddie Eve. Let’s hope they all really enjoy these activities in the UK or overseas and come back invigorated.
At the end of the summer holidays some of our young people make important transitions: Sam Borrett – University; Sam Burley & Rachel Warner – Sixth form; Joanne Burley – Tanbridge; Abigail Shoulders – Millais
Several of the young people have been looking for permanent jobs since they graduated from university or finished at school. This isn’t easy in the current job climate. They often have a casual job which means working at weekends so making it not very easy to get to church.
So let’s remember all our young people in our prayers over this summer: Enjoyable holidays / trips Reassurance in times of change Success in finding the right permanent employment Wisdom and strength to lead the summer school in Santrokofi, Ghana, with the
responsibility of looking after a 100 children. Safety for those travelling
We can be grateful that as the Lord guides our young people into new areas, he also provides support for them to meet the challenges they will face. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12 v 9.

Simon Mason

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