Redemption at last (Thought for the Month Feb 2014)

February 9, 2014

in Uncategorized

Redemption at last!

Many years so I took a business flight. How many is many? I think it was in 2002 or 2003. Yes that makes the trip more than a decade ago. I’ve taken many transatlantic business flights since then so what made this one different?

This flight to the US was with Virgin Atlantic and having completed both legs, they duly sent me the promotional offer reward I was entitled to namely some John Lewis vouchers. I put the envelope safely in a drawer and there they have sat until a few weeks ago.

With my 7 year old laptop failing I decided I would thinkabout getting a tablet as a replacement. John Lewis online was the cheapest but just before I went to pay for it, those old voucher popped into my mind. Could they be used to help pay for it? Surely they must hate a redemption expiry date that had now passed after over 10 years since being issued?

I got them out of the drawer, scratched off the grey strip to expose the unique serial number on the first one and entered it. The price payable dropped by the amount of the voucher. Out came the second voucher, same approach, same result and so on until I had redeemed all my vouchers.

That got me thinking. I was so pleased a few old vouchers were still valid and could be redeemed. They paid most of the price due, leaving me a modest balance to settle. How much better then that we have a Saviour who redemption power is unlimited, whose ability to redeem us will never run out and who pays all of the price for us, not just some of it! The Lord really is our redeemer, saviour and friend to quote a well known song.

And so for those of you who notice me with a tablet in church, you now know the story behind its purchase. I’ve loaded the Kindle app and so not only have the Bible installed but also the ability to take sermon notes at the same time!

Kevin Borrett

Feb 2014

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