Fellowship News (March 2014)

March 14, 2014

in Fellowship News, Uncategorized

Ladies Breakfast
You are warmly invited to join us at Rehoboth for breakfast on Sat 22nd March at 8.30am. Our speaker will be Jay Dunning who currently is an education child psychologist and also works with the Dovetail Trust. She is deeply passionate about her work with children and young people and has entitled her talk simply as ‘Love’. It would be helpful if you could let me know if you would like to come and also please feel free to invite a friend.

Church AGM
At the recent Church AGM Andrew Cooke, Karl Shoulders and Hazel Smith were elected to serve as deacons and were duly recognized with prayer in the morning service on 9th February. Please pray for them and all in the Leadership under God of the Fellowship at Rehoboth.

Matters for Prayer
Please remember Judith , , who is in Horsham hospital. Pray that right decisions will be made for her future welfare.
Pray for those facing job loss and uncertainty for the future way.

Praying & caring for the Community
For prayer this month – Clarence Road, St John Close, Moons Lane

Preaching out this month:
2nd – David Ansell : Wivelsfield am;
9th – David Ansell : Tadworth, Bethel Chapel am, Slinfold URC pm;
16th – David Ansell: Wivelsfield am;
23rd – David Ansell: Wivelsfield am;
30th – David Ansell: Reigate am.

At our Church AGM last month we shared items for praise and prayer. Some of them are included here for us to use in our daily prayers. Some more will appear in next month’s Connect’

Little Verse
LITTLE VERSE – We give thanks that Little Verse is still going strong. The Christmas Nativity went very well and we have been encouraged by some ‘returners’ (women who had left but now coming back with a new baby). Hazel now works full time and can
only lead on alternate Mondays but we are grateful that Gill and Sandra are sharing the leadership on
those days that Hazel has to work.
We praise God that Little Verse 2 also continues to draw a good number each week. We give thanks that the Lord is providing many opportunities to share our faith through relationship building on a one to one basis.

Christian Compassion Ministries (Phillipines)
The CCM orphanage in the Phillipines is seeking another house mother and the 2 children we sponsor are doing well in their studies. Please also pray for the church’s continuing involvement with the relief programme for the areas affected most by the 2013 Hurricane Haiyan.

Grace Baptist Mission
Pray for Matt Gamston as he returns to the UK after 10 years serving the Lord in the Philippines. We look forward to his visit to us in March. Graham and Sally Jones in Kisumu particularly request our prayers as they continue to work with a number of Kenyan pastors.

Tuesday Afternoon Fellowship
TUESDAY AFTERNOON FELLOWSHIP continues to flourish although at times attendances can fluctuate. We are thankful for a regular group of men who attend and for the happy celebration we enjoyed in December at The Orchard Restaurant. Please remember our dear friend Judith who is in hospital at the moment.

T@4 continues on a quarterly basis and although few in number we have been encouraged by the attendance of some of the families who no longer are able to come to Little Verse. For the Easter Special we are planning to hold an Easter Egg hunt on a Saturday morning * along with our usual mix of singing bible story and crafts. We have Easter booklets to distribute and are also thinking about giving invitations
to a Christianity Explored type of course. Please bear this up in your prayers and consider if this something that you might be able to support. NB. Easter Special Sat. 29th March at 10.30am !

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