Rehoboth 2014 Census!
Thank you to everyone who attended church on 16th March. You helped us produce the following results in our Grace Baptist Church Census. Of the 59 present on that day (which was a little down on our average attendance) numbers were spread in these age bands:
10 & under = 6, 11-14 = 6, 15-19 = 6, 20-29 = nil, 30-44 = 6, 45-64 = 15, 65-74 = 7, 75-84 = 8,
85 & over = 5.
Interesting to note that we had none in the 20s group – surely a matter for prayer.
We were on that day fairly balanced between the sexes with 29 males and 30 females.
People were asked to indicate the frequency of their attendance – 22 stated twice weekly, 28 weekly, 7 fortnightly, 1 monthly and 1 less frequently. Many churches today arguably deprive their congregation of the opportunity to join together twice on the Lord’s day for worship, fellowship and teaching.
We at Rehoboth are blessed with that second opportunity to meet for just an hour or so early evening. May we each consider the privilege of such an opportunity, denied to others, and make time to meet in this way.
Two more interesting statistics distilled from the Census:
Length of time people have been attending Rehoboth:
Under 3 yrs = 6, 3-5 yrs = 7, 6-10 yrs =13, 11-20 yrs = 15, Over 20 yrs = 18.
Where the congregation lives:
Within 1⁄2 mile of church = 11, between 1⁄2 & 3 miles = 35, More than 3 miles away = 13.
If you were unable to be present on the Census Sunday, but do normally attend, at least from time to time, please ask Steve for a copy of the short form people filled in that day, enter and return it to him
This will help us to get hopefully a fuller profile of the church for our own purposes
Praying & caring for the Community
For prayer this month – Oakhill Road, Station Road, Barrington Road, Burford Road
Preaching out this month:
6th – David Ansell A: Copthorne am;
Steve Piggott: New Milton am;
Andrew Cooke: Slinfold PM
13th – David Ansell : Reigate am;
18th (Good Friday) – David Ansell : Wivelsfield am;
27th David Ansell : Wivelsfield am.
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