Tear Fund Sunday at Rehoboth was led very sensitively by Andrew and Rachel with its focus on Tear Fund’s work in Laos of preventing enforced child labour and the trafficking of vulnerable and defenseless children and young women into the sex trade across the border into Thailand. To bring hope where there is despair and laughter where there are tears. To show the love of Jesus to a loveless people.
Their presentation impressed me again that we must cry out to God for these defenseless people of our world, who are the innocent victims of evil men, who prey on the vulnerable and impoverished with promises of a better life but who sell them into slavery, degradation and often early death Steve and I have witnessed first hand the evidences of prostitution in Thailand and Cambodia and also the lengths that some organisations are taking to alleviate these situations. In Cambodia the Daughters and Sons of Cambodia have set up shops and work places for both women and men to free them from the bondage of enforced labour. In Stung Treng, Mekong Blue is a collective silk farm that gives work to women and education for their children, Bethan Borret will be shortly entering the World Race and she too will be working alongside others to bring hope and the love of Jesus to a hurting group of people. We read today that Operation Mobilisation is working in
Nantes, France to minister to trafficked women. It is a world wide travesty. We know that there are 8.4 million children forced into slavery and forced labour. For these children there is a “place where monsters lurk at every door” and surely it is a call to all of us to defend these children from the” monsters that are real.” Tear Fund’s desire is to raise awareness of these heart breaking travesties of human bondage.
Every 30 seconds a child is taken – there is no escape. These are broken and used people. Jesus who was broken and used for us, shares in their brokenness and is the only hope for their release. Tear Fund is working to bring the love of Jesus, the hope of the cross and the freedom from sin and bondage. Let us therefore pray with more fervour, give more willingly and re echo words from the Graham Kendrick song “Beauty for Brokenness”
“God of the poor, friend of the weak give us compassion we pray, melt our cold hearts, let tears fall like rain, come change our love from a spark to a flame.”
For more information visit the Tear Fund Website “No Child taken”
Sandra Piggott
Dec 2014
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