Praise God for answering prayer – Rick received his heart transplant and is progressing slowly but surely in Papworth hospital. May the Lord strengthen him and enable the heart to be established and preserved. What a great God we have. Praise him for enabling the development of this technique to be so effective. Pray for the family as they adjust to their renewed husband and father.
But may we also remember the family and friends of the donor, who will surely be grieving the loss of their loved one.
Please pray for
John and Valerie. John is home after a period in intensive care in East Surrey hospital, but awaits further tests on the lungs, which are still affected by pleurisy. Pray too for Val who has some health difficulties also.
Jean & Don with their ongoing health difficulties and concerns.
N.B. Pete will be having a respite week at Heatherleigh Cheshire Home, near Copthorne from Monday 8th – 15th June. If anyone was able to pop out to see him during that time it would be much appreciated. For directions speak to Sue or to Steve Piggott
Steve P would also value your prayers on health matters just now.
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