Praise God:
- for Rick’s homecoming. Continue to pray for stability in improving health.
- for Dylan Beadle’s improvement in his toes following his operation.
Please pray:
- for Christine who is in the Royal Marsden Hospital at present receiving chemotherapy treatment for acute myeloid leukemia. Gordon reported on Fri 4th that she is ‘doing very well, exceptionally in fact. Prayer works! They hope to have her home w/c 21st Sept’. They want to thank everyone for their prayers. Listen for updates during the month.
- for Steve as he undergoes radiotherapy Mon – Fri every week this month at Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford
- for Matt England, who in recent weeks has been worshipping with us and has now embarked on a 9 month study course in the US. Pray for protection and clarity in his studies. Also for his friend, Ruth who we have got to know a little , as she continues in this country.
- for our children and young people as they start a new term/year at school, college and university, that they may know and acknowledge the Lord’s presence and help in their lives. Pray for
- for Cameron and Luke starting new schools, for Cerys starting college and Maddie when she starts at Exeter University.
- for Ray & Rose Dickson that the car plan needs for Bruce and others will be met.
A date for your diaries:
- The wedding of David and Margaret will take place at Brighton Road Baptist Church on October 24th at 12 noon. All are welcome to the service.
Praying & caring for the Community:
For prayer this month – Elm Grove, Melksham Close, Tanyard Close
Preaching out this month:
6 & 27 September - David at Reigate
Sundays in September and October
We are thankful for a number of preachers from our own Fellowship at Rehoboth. We need to pray for them as they prepare and present God’s word
to us—and let’s adopt Paul’s request in Colossians 4:4 – Pray that (they) may proclaim it clearly, as (they) should. Also let’s heed his exhortation to the
Thessalonians (1 Thess 5:11) – Encourage one another and build each other up.
Dates to note:
- Sunday 13th – Sunday School Anniversary – we look forward to our young people and children as they bring a carefully prepared presentation of the Scriptures—and the singing, of course.
Our thanks to all of them, and to the teachers and helpers ).
- Sundays 20th, 27th & Oct 11th (am) Andrew Smith will be bringing us ministry over five services under the title: ‘Chosen for Good – how God rescues us and keeps us’
- Sept 20th am ‘Walking tall, fallen short’ pm ‘Loved with everlasting love’
- 27th am ‘The death of death’ pm ‘An offer you can’t refuse’
- Oct 11th am ‘Safe and secure – you’ll get there in the end’
Please pray for Andrew as he brings us teaching on five great themes in the Bible on salvation.
- Sunday October 4th – we welcome back Calix Furus from Clevedon, Somerset to minister on our Harvest Sunday. His second visit was postponed from March owing to family illness. We have been remembering the family in our prayers and are thankful for good progress so far. It’s hoped that the whole family will be able to be with us.
It being Harvest Sunday we hope to have a Harvest Lunch together, giving opportunity to meet the family.
- Sunday 25th – Trevor Dickerson from Outreach UK will be leading our am services
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