A Snapshot of Furus History

February 6, 2016

in Uncategorized

A Snapshot of Furus History  (For them, Fur-us) It is roughly a year since we first met — Rehoboth and us Furuses. In stages, you got to know us; first me, and then the full house: Bea (my Beautiful wife), Klaudió (the hero of the clan), Tea (the princess) and Ramón (the rascal-clown-cute little fella’). And now here we are, part of the family of God in Rehoboth! But how did we come to be us? That is, how did this particular cell of the Furus Family come about? Bea and I got to know each other in a former Hungarian, now Serbian little village called Pacsér (yes: we’re a living language lesson — at your service!). To cut a short story short, within a week I asked her to marry me, and within three months we got married. In Hungary, that is. We then started off our little life, the two of us: Bea and myself. We got involved in all sorts of ministries from caretakers to church planters, and in the course of this we moved to England to serve in a church in Clevedon. Oh, the children! Nearly forgot… They came, too. Every other year since 2005 we had the blessing of new life in the family: Klau came in 2005, then Tea followed suit in 2007, then Ramón in 2009, then… we stopped. We’re a happy family. We’re blessed, love the Lord and each other passionately. We are also imperfect, and we are going to give you plenty of evidence of that… Sorry in advance! Please treat these as opportunities to grow in grace. But we’d also like to be a blessing to you. And we are very glad the Lord, in His infinite wisdom decided to bring us together, here, to serve Him and make Him known.


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