Looking back through June, what a month that was! We’ve had the high of a fantastic church BBQ, with some tremendous food and fabulous fellowship. That was a high, wasn’t it? We’ve also learned that the LORD has laid His hand of salvation and blessing upon a young life, so we’re looking forward to Elliot’s baptism in July and formally welcoming him into membership. I can tell you, that is a high, isn’t it? Wales certainly and Hungary nearly made it to the quarter-finals in the UEFA Euro 2016 – that was a high wasn’t it!!! (Avoid saying: Iceland…).
Yet, we’ve also had the shock and heartache in Ray’s sudden home call. Nobody was expecting that. Nobody, but God, Who makes no mistakes, does not re-act only pro-acts, sovereignly ordaining every detail of our lives. We are called to encourage one another in times like this with the sure hope of the resurrection to life upon the return of Christ (1Th 4:13-18).
Then, we’ve had the outcome of the referendum concerning Britain’s position within or without the EU. Again, regardless of which side of the fence you’re sitting on, you might feel that the ground’s been suddenly pulled out from under your feet – what will happen next? Nobody really knows. Nobody, but God. Yes, He, Who makes no mistakes, doesn’t re-act but pro-acts, sovereignly unfolding His plan (repetition intended). We say with David: “In you, LORD my God, I put my trust.” (Ps 25). Or we can say with our brother Edward Mote: “On Christ the solid Rock I’ll stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
It boils down to this: In good times or in bad, in the summer or the winter, come rain or shine, the LORD, our LORD is always there for His people. Call on Him, rely on Him, turn my eyes to Him when I’m down! Remind me He’s there, and tell me to do the same to you. Because He, my Friend is the only constant reality.
Calix Furus
Pastoral Elder
July 2016
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