Comfort & Joy in July
- Our thoughts are very much with Rose in her, and the family’s bereavement and grief following dear Ray’s sudden homecall last month. We have all felt this bereavement as the Lord, in his wisdom, took Ray from us. But for Rose, Gareth, George, Ian and Bruce, and their families it is a deeper valley they are having to travel through. May the Lord comfort them and strengthen them for the coming days. For Ray, of course it is nothing but joy as he is now with his Lord. Praise him, that for all who have believed in Jesus, one day ’so shall we ever be with the Lord’. (1 Thess 4:17)
- Praise God for his work in our hearts! In our morning service on July 10th, Elliot Smith will be obeying the Lord’s command to go through the waters of baptism on confession of his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for the Lord’s hand upon him as he testifies, and that as Calix preaches, the Holy Spirit will stir others to follow in obedience to the Lord.
- Please remember Dave Ansell in prayer as he has been unwell and unable to fulfil his preaching and gardening engagements at the moment. He has an appointment at East Surrey hospital on July 12th. Pray he’ll be able to rest and know restored health in the Lord’s goodness.
- Please pray for Joan, Gaynor’s mum, in your prayers as she has to have further treatment for a melanoma that has returned. Remember the family too at this time.
- Stuart would be grateful for prayer for his father. After the sadness and stress of his wife’s passing, dad (95) developed severe pains and was taken into hospital. He had one operation on his heart on 30th June, should be home in a few days but will have to return for a valve replacement in about 6 weeks.
- Congratulations to Trevor & Hazel, who celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary on July 6th. May God bless them and also restore Hazel to good health.
Preaching out this month
17th Stuart Beadle – Horsham URC am
24th Andrew Cooke – Slinfold
31st Stuart Beadle – Slinfold pm
30th – 6th Aug Steve & Sandra at Keswick Convention, manning OUK stand.
Praying and caring for the Community
For prayer this month - Queensway, The Hornets, Chesworth Crescent, Lane, Close & Gardens.
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