Derek Clark is our Missionary for Prayer w/c June 4th. An extract from a recent prayer letter

I have tried to follow him up several times to no avail. However a couple of weeks ago, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit and I called at his house again, and he was in and invited me in. He remembered our last conversation. This time he was about to move house – half his furniture was in the garden waiting for a friend to arrive with a van. He had lost his job and had been unable to find another one and was temporarily moving to his fiancée’s parents’ house that very afternoon.
We got onto spiritual things and he had rejected all Maori beliefs, and had been going to church with his fiancée. I was able to share the Gospel with him and after a long conversation we got on our knees together and he invited Jesus into his heart as Lord and Saviour. He also prayed to renounce any negative spiritual influence from his past Maori involvement.
He gave me his mobile number to keep in touch. I have sent him a couple of texts and links but no answer. Maybe I won’t see him again for another year??
However, when Gods word goes out it is never wasted even if we don’t hear anything for a year or more.
It reminds me that we should never give up on folk but, after prayer, just trust our great God and leave it in his hands to work things out in his timing.
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