Fellowship News (Jan 2017)

January 2, 2018

in Fellowship News

A New Year – new happenings New Year Prayer for everyone Saturday 6th 9.30am-12.30pm – Please try to reserve as much of those 3 hours as you can to join with us at the church, for thanksgiving for God’s hand upon the Fellowship through 2018, and as we seek and wait upon the Lord for his blessing over the coming year.

Life Explored – a new course following on from Christianity Explored to which all or any are invited. Rachel & Heidi will be organising the course which will meet on a monthly basis. If you’d like to join them, please let either of them know. The rest of us will be praying God’s hand upon the new initiative.

Baptismal Class – for those who would like to enquire further about baptism & Church Membership. Calix will be leading these sessions which will be much in our prayers. Take this opportunity to find out more.

Give thanks that Pat is home from hospital, after celebrating Christmas in the East Surrey, where staff were very kind.

Pray for John & Valerie who are suffering the frustration of further postponement of John’s surgery. May the date come at the right time in God’s plan, and surgery be successful.

Others who have had hospital stays recently need our continuing prayers. May the Lord be pleased to grant better health in 2018.

Preaching out:

7th Jan -  David Ansell Slinfold pm

14th Jan -  Steve Piggott Henfield am; David Ansell  Redhill pm

28th Jan -  David Ansell  Reigate am

Prayer & care for the Community - this month – Queen Street, Park Terrace West, Denne Parade.

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