Just in Time! (Thought for November 2018)

November 13, 2018

in Monthly comment, Uncategorized

As I write this thought for November I am packing to go away for a few days and trying to get this to Steve in time to meet the deadline for the production of the November newsletter.

Some might say that waiting till the last minute is a good use of time and many business consultants have made a living trying to get businesses to adopt ‘Just in Time’ methods of working. The principle being that they do not need to carry large amounts of expensive stock or indeed storage facilities, instead just bringing in the raw materials as late as possible as and when they are needed for the manufacturing process. The Bible tells us ‘not to store up treasures on earth’ (Matt 6:19) but to store up for ourselves ‘treasures in heaven’ this is not however based on the Just in Time principle, rather it is based on the principle of ‘Seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matt 6:33) – these things refer to what we eat and what we drink and the clothes that we wear.

Timing is always on our minds, we have to get to work or to school or college on time, we have appointments with the doctor, the dentist, the hair-dresser. I always aim to arrive early rather than at the last moment, better to be early than late, I feel.

Sometimes we take our time, feeling that we have plenty to spare and throughout our lives we some-times put off important decisions such as renewing our home or car insurance with potentially unwelcome results.

The most important decisions we have to make concern how we respond to the messages we hear from the pulpit each week in church. Have you got the timing right to respond to these? Look at the example of Jesus in dying for us;You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6
He died just at the right time, it was the time of His choosing and we risk everything if we wait until the last moment before responding to that sacrifice he made for us. The right time to respond to Him is now and if you think you may be run-ning late for an appointment with Him turn to Him right now – you will be ‘Just in Time’

Stuart Beadle


November 2018

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