Fellowship News (Sept 2020)

September 10, 2020

in Fellowship News

Important notice:

We have made a start to move back into the chapel building for services and have held two evening services thus far, which were different in a number of ways – people having booked their seats and thus spaced out at 2 metre distances, wearing face masks, having had their entrance recorded, no singing and with Calix conducting the service behind a visor, then with the exit being through the back door. But we were together before the Lord.

From this Sunday 6th September we are switching to having the 10.30am service in the chapel, and reverting to just live streaming the evening service for a few weeks. The morning service will also be live streamed from the Chapel. Hoping that as many of us as possible will plan to attend, please make sure you fill in the booking form that Andrew Cooke is circulating to ensure having a seat at the morning services.

May we also remind you of the different types of Rehoboth happenings in the interest of maintaining and encouraging the fellowship of God’s people.

But also that others may be invited, or just ‘happen’, to pick up – tune in to our live streamed services via the church web site or on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hNsM2dMebnpD1l10qifVg.

Rehoboth Baptist, Horsham Services in September are as follows:
Sunday 6th 10.30am Pastor Calix – (in chapel/ live streamed) 6.30pm Pastor Calix (live streamed)
Sunday 13th 10.30am Steve Piggott – (in chapel/ live streamed) 6.30pm Pastor Calix (live streamed)
Sunday 20th 10.30am Pastor Calix – (in chapel/ live streamed) 6.30pm Rich Smith (live streamed)
Sunday 27th 10.30am Pastor Calix 6.30pm David Ansell

For those of us who don’t have the technical facilities, please don’t despair – sermon notes or audio CD,  can be circulated regularly through your letter box. Let Steve or Calix know if you don’t receive a copy.

For those with the Zoom app, note the following:

  • Each Saturday at 9am – 9.45am Early(ish) Morning Prayer (see ‘Rehoboth Announcements’ on Whats App)
  • Each Sunday For any zoom happenings, please watch for announcements
  • Each Tuesday Midweek Fellowship Group A – 7.45pm (see Rehoboth Announcements on Whats App.)   BS & Prayer: with phone-in link via Calix for those without Zoom.
  • Each Wednesday Midweek Fellowship Group B – 8pm (contact Rachel Cooke for info.) BS & Prayer


A September edition of Little Verse will be broadcast via You Tube on Monday 7th at 10.30am

Connections for all ladies

– Thursday 17th at 7.45pm. Details to be advised.
Elders & Deacons meet by Zoom Mondays -dates as announced.

Praying and caring for the community

– this month: Park Terrace East, Livingstone Road, Stanley Walk

Preaching out this month:

6th D Ansell – Reigate am; S Piggott – Copthorne

13th DA – Hope pm
20th DA – Wivelsfield am

27th – Reigate am; S Beadle – Copthorne am
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Praise and Prayer
Give praise for the Lord’s kindness and help in sustaining the ministry and fellowship at Rehoboth during the restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Pray the Lord will continue to bless and guide us during this coming month, and that those ministering Sunday by Sunday will faithfully bring God’s word to us, with a right response in every heart to the word of the Lord.
Pray for those on holiday, or who are hoping to go on holiday this month.

For specific prayer items please see this months COVID Connect (circulated via WhatsApp – alternatively speak to Steve Piggott)

Some thoughts from Sandra to help us look up, as we come out of lock down
It was the end of a Zoom meeting of our ladies’ Connections group. Listening to their various thoughts and emotions, I was considering how I could draw the meeting to a close positively, and also give a sense of hope in those situations? Suddenly, and inspired by the thoughts and emotions voiced during our Zoom session, those beautiful and inspiring words from Graham Kendrick’s “For the Joys and for the Sorrows” song came to my mind! Every verse seemed to speak to every need expressed during that evening.
For many during this long period of lockdown, there have been both joys and sorrows- ”For the best and worst of times”; there have been changes of plans; there have been very lonely moments for those living alone- There have been fears for both the present and the future- ”Fears that crowd around me” – a deeper recognition of who we are and the place God should have in our lives. There have been disappointments- “For the dreams of all I hope to be.”- but also moments of elation when we have been able to see, hear and even meet those who we love and we recognise that- “For this we have Jesus.
In our disappointments during this long time of “lockdown” we may feel “the sting of old regrets”- our prayers, “that seem unanswered yet” – weigh on our hearts. There may be a longing for things to return to the normality we’ve almost taken for granted, and our prayers seem to go unanswered. We may be weak in our bodies, and experience, too, a lack of spiritual energy and our mental wellbeing may also have taken a “beating”. But for nights of “doubt and worry when sleep has fled away.” that sap our energy, both physically and spiritually, this beautiful affirmation comes again- “For this we have Jesus, for this we have Jesus, we have Jesus.”
Most of us, if we’re honest, need reassurance in our personal and family life- I know I do! We need it in our relationships and friendships, our marriages, our employment, our finances, and with our children and grandchildren We need to know that we have- “The will to start again. A steely eyed assurance. The strength to fight and win!” But we can achieve none of this, without the One who loved us, and gave Himself for us – “For all these we have Jesus” and you can put your personal pronoun in-
“For this I have Jesus, For this I have Jesus!” I have Jesus!”
So be encouraged, that Jesus knows your every weakness ,your sadness, your grief, your hopes and fears, and may this time of change draw us all ever closer to the One whose Name is above every Name – Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (part of an item Sandra has written appearing in the next Sharing magazine)

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