Fellowship News (Oct 2020)

October 4, 2020

in Uncategorized

Important notice:
As at the beginning of October, we have been meeting for 6 weeks back in the chapel building for Lord’s day services, the last four of which have been for the 10.30am service. These have been different in a number of ways – people having booked their seats and thus spaced out at 2 metre distances, wearing face masks, having had their entrance recorded, no singing, but with some hymns being read, sometimes in unison, and meditated upon, then with the exit being through the back door. But it has been good to be together before the Lord.

While this service is also still livestreamed for the benefit of those who really feel unable to attend the chapel because of health concerns – for some the wearing of face masks is a particular problem – but for others who have so far not attended since our reopening, it would be so good to see you there. Please make sure you fill in the booking form that Andrew Cooke is circulating each week to ensure having a seat at these morning services.

Evening services at 6.30pm continue at present to be just live streamed.

May we also remind you of the different types of Rehoboth happenings in the interest of maintaining and encouraging the fellowship of God’s people. But also that others may be invited, or just ‘happen’, to pick up – tune in to our live streamed services via the church web site or on You Tube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hNsM2dMebnpD1l10qifVg .

Rehoboth Baptist, Horsham Services in October are as follows:
Sunday 4th 10.30am Stuart Beadle (in chapel/ live streamed) 6.30pm Pastor Calix (live streamed)

Harvest Sunday 11th 10.30am Pastor Calix (in chapel/ live streamed) 6.30pm Steve Piggott (live streamed)

Sunday 18th 10.30am Pastor Rocco Dalia (Wandsworth) (in chapel/ live streamed) 6:30pm TBA (live streamed)

Sunday 25th 10:30 TBA (in chapel/live streamed) 6:30pm Matt England (live streamed)

For those with the Zoom app, note the following:

Each Saturday at 9am – 9.45am Early Morning Prayer (see ‘Rehoboth Announcements’ on Whats App)

Each Sunday For any zoom happenings, please watch for announcements

Each Wednesday Midweek Fellowship Group A – 7.45pm (see Rehoboth Announcements on Whats App.)

BS & Prayer: with phone-in link via Calix for those without Zoom.
Midweek Fellowship Group B – 8pm (contact Rachel Cooke for info.) BS & Prayer

An October edition of Little Verse will be broadcast via You Tube on Monday 5 th at 10.30am

Connections for all ladies
– Thursday 29 th at 7.45pm. Details to be advised.

For those of us who don’t have the technical facilities, please on’t despair – sermon notes, and a paper like this can be circulated regularly through your letter box. Let Steve or Calix know if you don’t receive a copy.

Elders & Deacons meet by Zoom Mondays -dates as announced.

PPraying and caring for the community – this month: Clarence Road, St John Close, Moons Lane

Preaching out this month:
4 th D Ansell – Smallfield am; 11 th DA – Reigate am
18 th DA – Hope, Horsham am; S Beadle – Slinfold pm
25 th A Cooke – Slinfold pm

Horsham Convention meeting – Sat. 10 th October at Hope Chapel, Oakhill Rd. 6.30pm. Speaker: Trevor Dickerson

Praise and Prayer
Give praise for the Lord’s kindness and help in sustaining the ministry and fellowship at Rehoboth during
the restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Pray the Lord will continue to bless and guide us
during this coming month, and that those ministering Sunday by Sunday will faithfully bring God’s word to
us, with a right response in every heart to the word of the Lord.

Pray for those on holiday, or who are hoping to go on holiday this month.

For full details, please see COVID Connect
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The writer to the Hebrews in ch 6 v 9 speaks of ‘things that accompany salvation’.

John Newton 1725-1807, the slave trader converted in the midst of a fierce storm at sea, who became a Church of England curate and later vicar with a great pastoral heart, wrote several hymns that have lived on, and who on his death bed said “I am a great sinner, but Christ is a great Saviour.” He had an ability to summarize the essentials of the gospel message in his pastoral letters. In 1799, a few years before his death, he set out his view of ‘the signs that accompany salvation’:

First a broken and contrite spirit. This indispensably necessary, for by nature we are full of pride, and God resisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble. Second, a simple and upright spirit free from artifice and disguise. It is said of the blessed man, whose sins are forgiven, in his spirit there is no guile. He is open and undisguised. Thirdly, gentle gracious tempers. If a man like a lion takes my medicine he presently becomes a lamb. He is nor easily offended. He is very easily reconciled; he indulges no anger; he harbours no resentment; lives upon forgiveness himself and is therefore ready to forgive if he has aught against any. Fourthly, benevolence, kindness, and an endeavour to please in opposition to that selfishness that is our natural character. Fifthly, a spiritual mind that is the beginning of life and peace, a weanedness from the world and its poor toys, and a thirst for communion with God through Christ.

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