Bear with each otherand forgive one another Colossians 3:13 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one anotherin love.Ephesians 4:2
Coming out of the COVID restrictions feels good. Slowly but surely, by the grace of God, we can look forward to more of what we were able to enjoy freely for years: meeting people inside our homes as well as outside, face-to-face rather than on a screen, entertaining them as guests—this has been a particular highlight for many.
It’s not all over, but it sure feels much, much more normal. As worshippers, we are waiting for more freedom. We are praying that, in the Lord’s mercy, 21st of June will indeed be a day of liberation. Masks off, singing resumed, in-person worship morning and evening, Lord’s Supper celebrated more frequently and with the one bread and wine—these may not be far away. Let us pray for that fervently, together with the Lord’s mercy to continue to reduce the pandemic worldwide, and that through it He would do much spiritual good.
Not all will be ready for the resumption of normalcy from day one. It is human nature: some will be more cautious, some even fearful. Therefore, we will need to be patient with one another, bearing with one another in love (Colossians 3:12-17). But let this not be a “passive” patience, but an “active” one. Let us encourage one another to take hold of the full freedom that we have in Christ (see especially v16).
In a sense, there will be a rebuilding phase initially. But we’re not the first ones in God’s Church to experience that. Church history witnesses to God’s goodness and faithfulness in bringing His people through hardships, according to His promise (Isaiah 43:1-7).
The books of Ezra-Nehemiah tell us the account of God’s people returning from exile to their own land, rebuilding the temple, rebuilding Jerusalem: restarting life as God’s people (watch out for an upcoming sermon series on these books Sunday evenings).
And as the Lord was with them, so He is with us. Let us look to Him, turn each other’s eyes on Him, and return to increased freedom—in all areas of our lives—under His guiding hands.
Pastor Calix
June 2021
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