Gill’s Jottings – We’re grateful to Gill Beadle for her recollections of our Awayday 2021 The Church Away Day was held on October 2nd at the Sellwood Centre, Dalesdown.
Dr. David Green, the vice-principal of London Seminary was our speaker for the day. The day was billed as a day of fellow-ship, discussion and relaxation – and it was every one of those.
Arrivals were welcomed into the meeting room by the smiles and greetings of Andrew and Rachel as they offered tea and coffee before the first session at 10am. We were treated to the opportunity to sing in fellowship together – how we missed that during lockdown!

During the day his three sessions were titled :
‘Believing what we believe’ ‘Knowing what we are’ ‘Living as we ought’
The sessions were threaded with relevant questions and phrases to get everyone thinking, including ‘What is the Christian life about?’; ‘loving God from the inside out’; ‘sometimes terminology can leave people behind . . . It’s appropriate in its place . . . But your language to non-believers should be simplified, and be made to be understandable.’; ‘King Solomon’s wisdom as detailed in Proverbs 30: 24-28 is liberating …’;
‘let’s hear it for the little guy!’; there is humility in wisdom . . . know your limi-tations’;
‘Is your spiritual life different to your whole life?’ ‘What is holiness?’
‘God is transcendentally wonderful . . . I don’t have to measure up to that . . . It’s impossible!’
The day provided something for everyone. Plenty of food, drinks, laughter, prayer and fellow-ship. Just what we needed.
Gill Beadle
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