November Notes
A time to give thanks – for all that the Lord has done for us: his Patience, Provision and Protection.
A time for remembrance – join us on Sunday 13th to remember those who gave their lives in service for this country, and remember the Lord Jesus who gave His life for our eternal salvation.
A time for prayer for those facing uncertainties in their lives; for Alison & Jason Baker as a new life is forming, that mother and baby will be kept safe and well over the coming months. Wednesday 16th we are hosting an Area Prayer meeting for the work of the Kingdom. We may have folk joining us from Brighton, Dorking, Epsom, and Hailsham churches. It is from 7.45– 9pm in the chapel. Please may we make it a priority to meet with our friends for prayer.
Baptismal Classes commence on November 6th. 5-6pm in the chapel. Why not come along to find out more.
Praying & caring for the Community - Park Terrace East, Livingstone Road, Stanley Walk
Preaching out this month: 6th – David Ansell – Hope Chapel am; Steve Piggott – Redhill am; Matt Steel – Copthorne am; Stuart Beadle – Slinfold pm
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