Arrivals began around ten and the first job was to set out chairs and try and find utensils etc in the kitchen so that teas and coffees could be served . Ste-ven, the chap from Dalesdown was so kind and helped us all settle in well .
Stephane had entitled the day as ,“ He is a chosen instrument“ (Acts 9.15) to describe the life , achievements,failures and see how three flawed geniuses were influenced by Gods providence and how they were used to accomplish extraordi-nary things.
The first session detailed the life of Augustine of Hippo (354-430)who’s early life was turbulent and who’s teenaged years were very difficult. At 18 he even became a father! However despite times of following a number of weird teachings after moves to Rome and later Milan , Augustine moved to-wards Christianity after hearing some children in the garden saying “take and read”,which he felt was a word from God telling him to read the New Testament and come to God. He was converted in 387 along with his teenage son.

The last two sessions were about Martin Luther(1483-1546) and Blaise Pascal (1623-1662).

It was a full day of learning and worshipping which was beautifully delivered by Stephane in a gentle and encouraging tone. I hope to hear him preach again soon .
Gill Beadle
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