Sandra shares:
This year Grace Baptist Women’s Association have covenanted to support the ‘Tamar’ Charity
This Charity is an organisation within ‘All Souls Serve the City’. ‘Tamar restores hope through practical and emotional support’

The volunteer team reaches out and befriends over 100 women in the sex industry each month, demonstrating each woman’s worth.
‘We believe each person is precious and of infinite value’
We believe that the gospel of Jesus calls us to love and support our neighbours. Because of this, we treat every-one we meet with respect and offer sup-port without discrimination.
‘Together we can pursue justice and restore hope to the most vulnerable in our community’
On Saturday March 16th our GBWA (SW) District have a Fellowship day at Guildford Park Grace Baptist Church, where speakers from ‘Tamar’ will share their stories.
Ladies, please speak to Sandra if you would like to know more or would be interested in attending the Fellowship Day.
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