From Here to Eternity – a few reflections

October 9, 2024

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A few reflections from some Rehoboth ladies: “From Here to Eternity”

Sandra: “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 To best describe the deep and profound teaching we had the privilege to receive from Karen Soole are the following headings for each session. They give us clues and a snapshot of the content and purpose of her ministry to us.

Passing Through Living in Two realities Ecclesiastes the antidote to anxiety The phrase “the seasons of life” came through very clearly and certainly spoke to my heart and life! What we do now matters. Rejoice in the good things we have. Not worrying about things out of our control! Learning to accept our limitations. Our Creator God is in control – Christ on the cross answers everything and changes everything!

There is so much more I could add, but suffice it to say there are 8 Rehoboth women today who were blessed, who demonstrated loving compassions to each other and laughed with the joy of knowing that our Saviour is our Shepherd and we should keep listening to Him!! God is in control!

Katie: I went away with the hope and prayer for rest and for spiritual feeding. This was answered and more… The talks by Karen Soole on Ecclesiastes were uplifting and refreshing.The singing enthused me to persevere in my own faith, the food as always was tasty and plentiful, and lastly.. the laughter was a tonic … particularly when line dancing. I also bought enough books to last me until next time.

Elspeth: Another great weekend of fellowship, teaching and many laughs along the way! It is so enjoyable to have a few days away in a beautiful setting with like-minded women who are praising and seeking the Lord. This year we were looking at Ecclesiastes and being reminded that this world and all in it is temporary and fleeting – we must keep our eyes fixed on what is important, Heaven with the Lord, forever! After the evening session on Friday, we were able to sit and relax and play some games together, and on Saturday afternoon, a few of us decided to learn how to Line Dance… “left grapevine, right grapevine, brush, brush, stomp, stomp, stomp” – feel free to ask us for a demonstration sometime There were 8 ladies attending from Rehoboth this year (including me) and I think I can say that we all enjoyed the weekend immensely – we are all already looking forward to 2026! If you have not come before, please do join us in 2026, you will not regret it.

Rachel: Superb friendship, fellowship and food, Fantastic singing, speaker and scenery, And not forgetting the line dancing!

Hazel: Highlights for me – Fantastic teaching from Karen Soole on the book of Ecclesiastes. Uplifting worship sessions of song and scripture. Fellowship of spending time with other women. Opportunity to live out some of the “times” of Ecclesiastes 3, including times of laughter and times of line-dancing to the music of Marilyn Baker.

Gill: The GBWA conference at High Leigh was an amazing experience. I was blessed to have been part of a group of eight ladies who were determined to enjoy every aspect of the weekend, fellowship, fun, great bible studies and prayer, praise and worship, line dancing, crafts and silly games. A weekend full of God’s love.

Back in our May Connect, information was shared about the ‘Tamar’ Christian charity that Grace Baptist Women’s Association is supporting. During the weekend conference, the Tamar team shared more about the work that seeks to reach, help and restore women in need, who are alone, who are hurting and in fear, abused women, rejected and demeaned women, in the Westminster area of London. Some Tamar Prayer requests:

  • Give thanks for God’s grace for Tamar’s 11 years.
  • Praise God for those who have met Jesus.
  • For ‘L’, a trafficked victim we have recently met. Pray we can build a relationship and support her learning English

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