Have yourself a very Micah Christmas (Thought for December 2024)

December 9, 2024

in Monthly comment

Have yourself a very Micah Christmas ‘But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.’ Micah 5:2

Bethlehem is inextricably associated with Christmas. In Hungary even the traditional reenacting of the Christmas story is called a Bethlehem. It all stems from the fact that this is the birthplace of the Christmas story Child.

But how did people at the time of His birth know they needed to look for Him there? Enter Micah, God’s prophet from the 8–7th century before Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem by God’s decree — which He
revealed through the prophet Micah. The world of Micah was more advanced than ours. His society was more progressive. They arrived where we are heading, and did it two and a half millennia ago. Talk about
history repeating itself…..

With a clear voice, Micah warns us that the road we are on leads to death, devastation and judgment. Where else could it lead, since it takes us away from the righteous Author and Sustainer of Life? But that is not the whole message of Micah: he shows that there is hope, because God is patiently working His plan of redemption out, and at the heart of this is the promise of the coming of Messiah.

Join us in December, when on the Sundays of Advent we will go through this book, and we will have ourselves a very Micah Christmas. And if you bow down to the Messiah, as the wise men from the East did hundreds of years after Micah’s prophecy concerning His birth, you will find the light of Heaven shining in your heart. Even if the world around you freefalls into darkness.

Calix Furus

December 2024

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