Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder, treason and plot?
Why remember? Sandra Piggott explains:
“This significant date in English history, was that on November the 5th, 1605, Guido Fawkes was part of a Catholic Plot to assinate the King James 1, and to place a Catholic king on the throne of England. The plot was foiled, Fawkes and his conspirators were arrested, tortured, tried and sentenced to death for treason at the Tower of London.
For me Noverber 5th, 1958 was also significant. On that day as a 15 year old I was challenged by an evangelist Ray Castro, at a National Young Life bonfire night rally, to recognise that I, like Fawkes, was guilty of treason aganst the King – the King being Jesus – and the punishment was death. From that night I recognised and received Jesus as my Saviour and can say with assurance that I can stand only in the rightousness of Christ. His death, sacrifice and resurrection has allowed me to know pardon, freedom and assurance of eternal salvation.”
It seems that, although the date of 5th November is remembered with bonfires and a Guy atop them fireworks and food to warm us, the true significance of what the discovery of that plot really meant to this county is quietley forgotten. It actually meant freedom and truth.
Similarly, although Christmas and Easter are celebrated with the trimmings and trappings that go with them, the real significance of all that Christ really achieved for us is smothered.
Thank God that, for Sandra and others of us who have come to realise their need of a Savior and Redeemer – we have been set free through his truth coming into our lives.
That, for each of us, was a significant momement worth remembering and recounting often.
Have you had that significant moment worth remebering and recounting often.
Have you had that significnt moment when you believed and put your trust in Him?
Remember, remember the Savior who foiled Satan’s ploy to destroy you, by dying in your place to pay the price of your treason against his rule. To find life through his death and resurrection is more than gunpowder -it’s dynamite !
Steve Piggott
Nov 2010
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