Thought for month Feb 2011

February 9, 2011

in Monthly comment

A Face to Face Job

Is it not true that many people these days have “face jobs” to supposedly improve their looks, and presumably make them selves more attractive? of course there are those who have genuine problems through accident or disfigurement whom some form of cosmetic surgery can be really helpful towards living a normal life. We don’t very often look closely at another person’s face (though my poor dentist has had to rather a lot over past months!).

Many of us may have some slight blemish that is only noticeable when we look closely in the mirror. The lovely thing thing is that, when we are in love with someone and gaze into their face, into their eyes, we see a beauty that may not be noticed from a distance,

It seems to me that the Bible suggests that we need a “face to face job” with our God. In our theme verse, 2 Chronicles 7 vs 14, God exhorts his people to be humble and pray, and adds “seek my face”. Now this was not something new – Solemon’s father, King David had urged his people “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”1 Chron 16:11. It was something that David had realised before – in Psalm 27vs 8 he says, “My heart says of you “Seek his face! Your face, Lord, I will seek.”

So what is meant by the phrase “seek his face?” It is surely a development of a prayer. Of course, when we come in repentance to God, like the tax collector in Jesus’ parable in Luke 18, who could only beat his breast and say “God be mercyfull to me a sinner”, we cannot gaze into the face of God. But that can follow after we’ve confessed our sin and recieved God’s forgiveness, True, we can’t literally see God’s face at present, but it surely means to wait before the Lord in prayer, not necessarily uttering any words, but gazing, by faith on his beauty. we allow ourselves to meditate on his glory and greatness, his love, grace and mercy to us sinners. It is,  as it were,  a face to face encounter.

King David had the right idea. The temple, or tabernacle in his day, was wHere God made his presence felt. We saw that when Solomon led the dedication of the newly constructed temple – the cloud that descended and the fire that consumed the sacrifices. David, in Psalm 27:4 speaks of of gazing on the beauty of the Lord – not the beauty of the temple.

Do you love the Lord to the extent that we gaze into his face by faith. Such waiting on Him will always change us.

Steve Piggott


Feb 2011

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