I came across an interesting bit of information today: Did you know that HM the Queen is the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great-granddaughter of William the Conqueror? No? But I’m sure you’re glad I told you! I suppose it is inevitable that in a country like ours you will always get a mix of Royalists and Re-publicans. And it is at times like this when much is being made (and rightly so) of HM the Queen’s 60 years on the throne that, get a group of people together and there will be those for and those against Britain having a monarch, as well as those who don’t know or don’t care!
While I realise that being a royalist today in this country is not the same as it was in the 1640-50s when battles over the king’s role and parliament’s role were taking place. Since the passing of the 1689 Bill of Rights Act, we have a con-stitutional monarch who rules through her elected government. And to celebrate her dia-mond jubilee year our queen Elizabeth and members of the Royal family have been travel-ling around the country visiting her people in their towns and villages. People tend to line the route waving their flags and cheering, obviously pleased to see their monarch ’in the flesh’. Un-fortunately she doesn’t seem to be calling at Horsham on her tour.
Indeed over the last 40 years Her Majesty has only visited Horsham twice – in 1978 and 2003. Still, I must be thankful for the memory of her waving to me outside the Arts Centre -well she certainly looked my way and waved!

Whatever your views on our Constitution, I hope you are a Divine Royalist – by that I mean one who through God’s grace acknowledges gladly the rule of the King of Kings over your life. Humanly speaking, King Jesus was de-scended from the Royal line of David, but eter-nally speaking He has always been the King of Glory. True, when He was born in Bethlehem he was probably about as many times great grand-son of King David as our Queen is granddaugh-ter of her ancestor William, but as the eternal King He is just simply G R E A T!
I don’t know whether I shall see Her Majesty again in Horsham in my lifetime, but I am thrilled in my expectation that I will see my King Jesus one day, whether there in Glory or when He returns. I hope you have that same hope, because remember, He’s promised to come again – and He’ll appear in Horsham.
May God bless and save our gracious Queen in her Jubilee year. And may we all say, ’Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.’
Steve Piggott
June 2012
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