RHF Prayer Newsletter – August 2012

September 11, 2012

in Raising Hope Foundation, Uncategorized

It is very exciting to be able to write this letter to you from Santrokofi, Ghana. After a year’s hard work fundraising we are making real progress at the site. Over the next few weeks we hope to complete the first phase of electrical installation, the construction of the ceiling beams, the plastering and screeding of all walls and floors and the installation of a guttering system which will allow us to harvest rain water.

Plastering, guttering and doors!

A team of 12 volunteers are currently in Santrokofi and are running a summer school for all local children every afternoon – focusing on maths/ English and art/ sport. Attendance has been great so far and the kids are really enjoying learning and playing.

Peace, an RHF scholarship student, assisting in teaching Class 1 at Summer School.

Whilst we are here we are spending time with the students that we are currently sponsoring through senior school/ university. They are helping teach the classes and will be accompanying us on an educational visit to the Cape Coast at the end of summer school.

We are constantly reminded of the reason we are here as we meet with the children in this town, and of the urgency with which we must try to finish this building phase of the project. Today we met a young man called Vincent. He is 16 years old and has just finished JHS. His mother is dead; the person caring for him also recently died and his father is an alcoholic. He has spent the last few months living with a friend. When he gets his JHS results in September he hopes to go on to Senior School but has no one to turn to for help. If we were unable to sponsor him he would have to begin farming in order to just be able to eat.
We have also been visited by a few widows who are unable to keep their children in school unsupported. Earlier this morning I met a mother and her children, her eldest son left school aged 11 a year ago when his father died so that between him and his mother, through selling onions at the market, they could afford to keep his 8 year old brother in school. He is desperate to return to school.

We are doing everything we can with the funds we have available to help these children. All of us out here in Ghana have a strong feeling that we must step out in faith, and that God will provide for everything we are trying to do. The next few months particularly we have builder’s fees to pay as well as the fees to enable the students we sponsor to go back to school when term starts.

Please be with us in prayer for the following points:
- Firstly we want to thank God for everything he is doing in the town and for blessing us with the opportunity to serve this community. We also want to ask him to bless all of those who have donated and helped us so far.
- Please pray that God will protect and guide all of the labourers who are working at the site during the course of the next month.
- Please pray that God would provide all that we need to help these children.
- Pray that we would be guided in how to best spend the money.
- Pray for the children of Santrokofi, so many of whom have no one to turn to, and for those who are doing their best to care for them in difficult circumstances.
- Pray that we can witness in this town and that people would come to God rather than turning to alcoholism – a big problem in this community.

Kinza Mason and Bethan Borrett on behalf of the Raising Hope Foundation ,

www.raisinghopefoundation.co.uk — 3 Nymans Close, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5JR — raisinghopefoundation@gmail.com

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