Letter from Ghana (April 2013)

April 9, 2013

in Letters from Accra, Uncategorized

So, what to say?
I’ve been in Ghana for somewhere between 2 and 3 months. As I’m sure you all know, but if any of you don’t, that’s why things have
been quieter than normal!
What to say about my time here? It’s too hot, the people are wonderful and I only understand half of what’s being said to me (not what the Ghanaians are
sayings – that’s fine, but what Sherri, the person in charge of associates says – she’s American).

I guess I should tell you a bit of what me and Jonny are doing. We’re involved with two things with street kids – one Tuesday and Wednesday and the other on Friday, with a kids at a church on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Saturday there’s football club and music practice for me and finally I sometimes play in the worship group on Sunday (I might be playing at a wedding on the 6/04 depending on how things work out). Also we have a free day on Thursday and often do something like going to the beach and we have drum
lessons once a week.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and I can’t wait to see you all again but I don’t want to leave so how about you all come out here?

Nick Cooke
April 2013

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