Kinza Mason asks for prayer for the RHF Arctic to Africa Cycle Ride -

arctic circle, 24 hour daylight) , down Scandinavia, thru Europe, across to Morocco and to the Sahara
desert, then flying to Ghana and cycling to the orphanage in time for summer school.
- Kinza, herself is doing the first and last legs, Scandinavia and Ghana – totalling over 1200 miles.
- They left on Weds 29th May and plan to reach Santrokofi on 10th August.
- Kinza asks – Please could people pray for our safety, that the two girls (Christians) might be a witness to the
boys/ opportunities, that people are encouraged to give and support our cause.
Our website is ; on Facebook at and our sponsor page is
Information on the Raisng Hope Foundation (RHF) can be found at
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