Sandra Piggott brings some reflections on the GBWA (SW) FELLOWSHIP DAY Saturday 8 th March at Chertsey Street Baptist Church, Guildford
The focus for the day “Clothed with Compassion”, as the advert says ” It did what it said on the tin”.
Ann Benton’s introductory ministry was taken from Colossians 3:12-17 and caused us to consider what is in our “wardrobe” of Christian apparel and the quality of our sincerity as we serve others in the name of Jesus. In particular she majored on the need for compassion for each other, our duty of care and also the reality of what it means to take on the responsibility of caring for family members and the deep emotions and physical demands that this care will engender.
Two workshops followed during the morning and afternoon respectively:
Encouraging care and caring by walking alongside, and Equipping for care and the practical aspects of care
Both sessions were well planned and involved interviews with 4 ladies. Each gave pertinent insights of their own issues of caring for others and these led very naturally into further discussions in groups.
The subject of the conference has raised further interest in our own Connections group and we would like to organise our own session sometime during the year, using the same format and focus questions. All of us have been, are and certainly will be at some time in our lives responsible for the care of others and also will in some cases require care for ourselves.
Above all, we want to reflect on the essential of “Putting on the compassion of Christ.”
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