Having read other titles by Michele Guinness (Child of the Covenant, The Guinness Spirit, Autumn Leave) when I saw this new book on display in the library I had to pick it up. The novel is set in 2020 and tells the story of the first female
Archbishop of Canterbury and the challenges she faces. Putting aside the fact that she is a woman, what I found interesting was the depiction of the Church of England, its organisation and its clergy, since this is something I knew very little about.
The central Archbishop character Vicky is strongly spiritual, but she also emphasises the importance of social help as a visible outworking of God’s love. The depiction of a not too-distant future and the state of society and the church I
found striking and challenging. One story thread is around an Anti-Proselytising Bill, making any religious activity in a public place prohibited without special licence from the council, threatening the right of every Christian to obey Jesus’ command to make disciples, and it is fascinating to see how this plays out.
At 543 pages, it’s not a beach read, but as someone who prefers reading fiction to non-fiction I found it a great read, not least for the author’s characterisation of the Queen!
Hazel Smith
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