It’s all new -Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
As I came to pen this Elders blog, my mind went to 2 Corinthians 5:17. This has been a big week for the Borrett household. Beth is back from her eleven months on the world race. Her experiences over that period will, I am sure stay with her forever. So will the friendships she has made.
However now she has to resume life back here in the UK and that means some new purchases.
I did find it amusing that she flies into Heathrow jetlagged on Tuesday and less than 24 hours later on Wednesday, she was so well organised that she was able to take possession of her new car and on the same day, her new iphone. Now I appreciate she had to cancel her old phone contract and it made sense to dispose of the old car rather than leave it idle on the drive for a year, but to me this showed a sense of forward looking purpose.
Today as I write this its Friday or what the retail trade call “Black Friday” when millions across the UK will make new purchases as well. Some of
those purchases will no doubt be Christmas presents for other people. Other purchases will no doubt be replacements which will mean a throwing out of obsolete, or defective goods. We are however so fortunate. Beth’s two new purchases this week were a car and a mobile phone. For many today, the two things they most desire are food and water or for those being forced from their homes in the Middle East, what is most precious are the gifts of safety and security.
As a church we should remember we have some big decisions facing us which have within them the prospect of change, something that can be
both exciting and a bit uncomfortable!
Let’s also remember that this is a time of year for giving and receiving, of celebrating the old and the new. As we do that let’s remember as well that
we are new creations in Jesus Christ but lets also remember that we are very much still “work in progress”.
Kevin Borrett
Dec 2015
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