Joy in January!
- What a joy indeed it is to be welcoming the Furus family into our midst this month. Please pray for the family
as they have many adjustments to make. On Weds 30th Dec they moved into temporary accommodation in Depot Road (thanks to Pip & Elizabeth for making it available), while more long term accommodation is found. Pray too for the children’s schooling arrangements to be settled; and for Calix as he prepares for ministry at Rehoboth formally commencing on the 7th February
- Please continue to pray for Chris as she is in the Royal Marsden hospital undergoing her final sessions of chemo; for Gordon too has he has his treatment. Our God heals.
- Important Reminder – Our New Year party is on Saturday 23rd January 5-8pm. Make a note to join us for what is always a happy and fun time of fellowship. Help needed—listen forannouncements.
Preaching out this month:
10th Dave Ansell – Reigate am.
17th Dave Ansell – Wivelsfield am
25-29 Steve Piggott speaking at Pilgrim Hall January Break
Praying and caring for the Community
For prayer this month – Park Terrace East, Livingstone Road, Stanley Walk.
Forward announcement:
Church Day at Pilgrim Hall –Sat 21st May. Time to Book – NOW!
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