I have really enjoyed our studies in the book of Jonah. It’s a book so full of grace; God is kind to the Ninevites, to a bunch of idolatrous sailors, and to Jonah as well (you could even argue that also to the fish, as it didn’t have to put up with a grumpy prophet in its belly for longer than 3 days – but I guess that would be stretching it a bit too far…
We can find ourselves, too, on the receiving end of the kindness of such a gracious God, through repentance and faith in Christ.
Speaking of Whom… I have been thinking and praying for a while now as to what we shall do Sunday mornings after we finish our studies in the book of Jonah. I believe that the Lord has laid the Gospel of John on my heart. So I am very happy to announce that we will spend a considerable time gazing directly at our Saviour through this marvellous account of His life. John’s Gospel is one of light and life. Much needed message about a much needed Saviour in our dark, death-ruled world.
We’ll have a card produced about the series. It’ll be general appetiser for it, so you can use it to invite others to – as Philip said to Nathanael – ‘Come and see.’
Please pray that the Lord would draw us nearer to Him as we study John’s Gospel. Pray for me as I study and preach; for yourself as you listen; for those you invite, that we all might see our Saviour and bow in worship to Him! Please, please, please: pray that God would reveal Himself every time we seek Him!
One more thing: “Come and see” involves, of course, going to where the people are, to invite them to – yes, correct: – “Come and see”. We’re here for our neighbourhood, to take the Gospel to them. That’s why we pray monthly for the roads around us. That’s why, on weeks when I’m not preaching twice, I’d like to regularly go on the doors – well, not literally on them, of course! Come and join me! It’s good fellowship as well as obedience to the Great Commission. Haven’t
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