- Welcome back to Matt England after his sojourn across the pond.
- Welcome to Daryl & Julia Jones from Grace Baptist Mission on Sunday 4th, with us to minister and share something of the work of GBM. It’s good to have the Mission Director here for the first time. May the Lord bless and challenge us through the ministry today.
- Welcome - to Paul Spear from our Association visiting us on the 25th. We thank the Lord for
Paul’s interest and encouragement in the churches, and particularly for help we have received.
Sunday School Anniversary
The Sunday School & Bible Class always have a special place in our hearts, but what a joy when they lead our morning service on Sept 11th as an Anniversary time. We thank God for those who faithfully seek to work amongst the young ones and should pray regularly for the Lord to give them strength and
wisdom in this vital ministry
Items for Prayer
- Please pray for Christine. On 25/08 Gordon wrote: ‘We have had two hospital appointments this week. On Monday we went to the East Surrey hospital for a check on Chris’s bladder after having her kidney removed 18 months ago and they found some cancer in the bladder so she goes in for an op on 14th September, she will be in overnight.
Then yesterday we went to the Royal Marsden to find out the results of the bone marrow test she had last
week, and were told the leukaemia has returned, Chris had been in remission for the past 11 months. We
know how they are going to treat her but because of the other problem we don’t know when it will start.
They have also said it will not be the intense treatment as before but rather a holding treatment, but we
would appreciate your prayers’. Please pray for Chris and Gordon in these difficult days.
- Pray too for Wally who has had a fall and sustained some damage to his face. May the Lord restore him to health.
- And remember Dave this month as he has an appointment at East Surrey Hospital on Tuesday 27th, regarding his health problems. Pray that the outcome will be good.
- Remember too Don who has had falls and is a little confused.
Preaching Out this Month
11th David Ansell – Reigate am; Andrew Cooke – Slinfold pm
18th D Ansell – Wivelsfield am; Steve Piggott – Epsom am;
25th S Piggott – Copthorne am
Prayer & care for the Community - Brighton Road, Kennedy Road, South Grove & Gorings Mead
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