Ps 35:18 “I will give you thanks in the great assembly..”(Thought for October 2016)

October 6, 2016

in Monthly comment, Uncategorized

Ps 35:18 “I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the thrones of people I will praise you”

What have Dioloch, Koszonom, Arigatou gazimasu, Gracias and Merci all got in common? How many of those words did you have to read before you guessed the connection? If you still haven’t then don’t worry. Let me help you. They all mean “thank you”. The languages being Welsh, Hungarian, Japanese, Spanish and French, in that order! The verse quoted may also have given you a clue!

I’m often pulled up by those around me for not saying “Thank you”. With a cheeky grin I sometimes claim this is down to age as “please” and “thank you” are words drummed into us when we are young and with age I claim you can forget to use them. Of course that’s not true. Saying thank you is something we should want to do and do so regularly!

The psalmist in the verse I’ve quoted is reflecting on how often he says “thank you”. Not to those around him but to God. He clearly see this as an important part of personal worship and our individual walk with God. It’s something I’ve been reflecting on more in the last few months as when I have focused on my change in personal circumstances, I’ve wanted to concentrate not on what has changed or what I might feel I have lost, but rather what I and we all have in Jesus Christ.

We can and should all do this. I know of someone who once kept a book where they recorded daily God’s goodness to them. They maintained that there had never been a day pass when they didn’t have something to record. It also was a tremendous source of inspiration to them.

As a fellowship, one of the key elements of worship is giving thanks. We are touched daily by so many reminders of God’s goodness to us that the real danger is that we become immune to them, forgetting that they are there.

So as we enter October, how about casting your mind back over the past month or the summer period if you like and thinking of 3 things you want to give thanks to God for. Why not do it right now! Ps: don’t forget to then praise him – as the psalmist reminds us.

Kevin Borrett

Sept 2016

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