Fruitful Focussing

October 6, 2016

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During the Summer months the Sunday School classes and Matt’s Bible class were organised slightly differently as the children and young people were asked to focus on a Bible verse and spend some time each week studying the verse using a variety of crafts, songs, painting and film.

The verse was : Galatians 5 v s. 22 & 23
” But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self – control.”
The results of their wonderful work were presented to the Church on September 11th at the Sunday School Anniversary. The younger children had created a “tree ” from which a variety of fruits grew, including papier maché apples, hand drawn bananas and bark made from corrugated cardboard beautifully painted to look as realistic as possible. There were smiles all round as the children sang along to a song featuring their focus verse from Galatians 5.They also created a Bible containing a number of other verses that the children had been reading about.

Throughout the morning we were treated to a film created by Matt’s class under the directorship of E M S Productions that cleverly went through the meanings of the focus verse. Click on the links below to watch them yourself (all on Youtube)

Thanks are due to Hazel and Katie for their ideas and patience in drawing the work together but also to all the helpers who came up to ensure that the children enjoyed their time in Summer Sunday School.

All the children received a book to remember their year in Sunday School.

Gill Beadle

Sept 2016

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