November is a time for Remembrance, and we shall be observing a 2 minute silence at 11am in our service on Sunday 12th November to remember with thanks those who gave their lives during not only the two world wars of the last century, but in the other many wars, battles right up to the present day. But we give thanks above all for our God’s faithfulness and mercy in sending his Son to give his own life that we might have eternal life. We will remember.
We thank God for Calix’s helpful & challenging ministry over the past weeks. Don’t miss his continuing Sunday ministry in chapter 11 of John’s Gospel and 1 Timothy. Pray for him, and also for others of us due to preach at a few services this month.
May we remember one another in our prayers. Some friends needing prayer:
- Doris – severe leg pains; May – recent pains around the heart required an emergency hospital visit;
- John – awaiting call for heart surgery;
- Jean – prayer, please for her health and for daughter Karen as she awaits results from radio therapy.
The Christianity Explored course continues on Fridays throughout this month. Please do pray for those taking part. If you are able, you would be most welcome to join the prayer group at David & May’s home on Friday evenings while the course is taking place. Please check with them for details. Or if you are interested in joining a future CE course, check with Rachel or Heidi.
David would like to thank all those who gave cards and presents for his 70th birthday in September
Preaching out this month
5th Steve Piggott – Five Ash Down am & afternoon; David Ansell – Slinfold pm;
12th David Ansell A – Reigate am; Steve Piggott – Dorking am; Stuart Beadle – Slinfold pm;
19th Steve Piggott – Lewisham am & pm; Stuart Beadle – Redhill am;
26th – David Ansell – Horsham URC am; Calix Furus – Dorking pm
Praying & caring for the Community this month
New Street, Station Road, Page Court & Gardeners Court.
Appleyard Bible Church
We have an invitation from our friends at Denne Road Gospel Hall to join them at the opening meeting for their new church at 72 Brighton Road on 9th December at 3pm. If you are hoping to attend, please let Stuart know a.s.a.p, who will be advising numbers for seating & catering purposes.
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