Training for the Marathon ? (Thought for August 2022)

August 7, 2022

in Monthly comment

Many people enjoy running, walking, cycling and other sports which are encouraged to keep us healthy. Even if we no longer participate in a sport there are many sporting events taking place throughout the summer which we can watch from the comfort of our own settees even if we are unable to get a ticket for the main events. Football, Tennis, Cricket, Golf, Motor Racing, Athletics and the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham just started are just some of the sports featured this summer.

Our news has plenty to say about these events and millions of people enjoy following their chosen sport, and even as I write this many will be cheering on the England Women’s football team as they attempt to win the Euro 22 competition. Win or lose they have had a great tournament.

We love to create sporting heroes from those at the top of their sport so we have people such as Sir Andy Murray, Sir Lewis Hamilton, Dame Laura Kenny, Emma Raducanu and many others. Yet for all their brilliance at their sport, they reach a peak from which they can only fall, perhaps through injury or just as other sportsmen come through and take their crown. Their time at the top is only ever a temporary high and it is this imagery that the apostle Paul uses when he says to his young protégé Tlmothy,writes to Timothy ‘train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:7b-8).

There it is – godliness has value for all things, for the present life and the life to come. It is great when we read of famous sports men and women who are also committed Christians, yet their physical prowess will only be a temporary benefit, godliness is what we need to run this marathon race – for only on that day when we stand before God will we receive that crown of righteousness that he promises to all those who believe and follow the Lord Jesus. It is only through Him that we come to the Father and Jesus invites each one of us to come to Him, to follow Him and live our lives daily through faith in Him. We each have Him as our personal trainer, physician and healer and it is the Lord Jesus who speaks to us and encourages us daily through his word and by his Holy Spirit. We are also thankful to those he has called to open up God’s word to us each Lord’s day this coming month and we give thanks for Pastor Calix and his family as they enjoy a break and visit to their families.

Perhaps as you watch events from the Commonwealth Games this month you might be reminded of those words;train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come.

Stuart Beadle


August 2022

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