For many years the idea of reading through the whole Bible in a Year was a daunting one to me, and I am an avid reader. A few years ago I determined I would take up the challenge, and I have been reading through it each year ever since. There are all kinds of devotional books and apps available which guide you through and portion out the Bible. For 2022 I used The Daily Walk Bible, which uses the New Living Translation, and previously The Daily Message – Through the Bible in One Year, which uses The Message – The Bible in Contemporary Language. For 2023 I’m going back to the New International Version, using the Bible in One Year app, which includes commentary from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, pioneers of the Alpha programme.
I’ve found that through reading through the whole Bible in a year I’ve improved my knowledge of what’s in it, I’ve made my way through some of the more challenging chapters, become more familiar with the chronology of the Bible and deepened my understanding. Reading different translations has helped familiar texts to strike afresh and so many times the day’s prescribed portion has provided much help for the challenges of that particular day.
So, why not give yourself a challenge and have a go at reading through the whole Bible in a year? It’s an amazing way to spend time in the Lord’s word.
“By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” Psalm 119:105 The Message
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