A recent letter received from Pam, one of Outreach UK’s associate evangelists & GNFE rep:
Dear friends, there’s a care home in my area for people with mental health issues ages 18-70 years. The owner of this home we’ll call X, wouldn’t allow me (GNFE) to give the residents a New Testament each, but I could take a Bible for the book shelf. I took the Bible and a service, having liaised with the staff first. I made another appointment for a service a month later.
Who should open the door but the owner X, asking me what I was doing? I replied ‘Taking a service’, X said ‘We don’t do religion here’, I said ‘You have Christian residents here’. So I just visited a resident I’ve known for many years. X told me ‘You can’t talk to anyone about religion’, I said ‘No it’s a relationship with Jesus’, ‘You can’t convert anyone’, I said ‘No of course I can’t; it’s only the Holy Spirit that can do that’. I said to X ‘Would you like me to take a harvest festival here, I would bring a basket with fruit and veggies in’, X said ‘Speak to the manageress’, and she asked the residents who said ‘Yes’. So’ Praise God on 4th of September I took my guitar and conducted the harvest festival.
Afterwards I talked to a farm worker who knew my late husband, and explained that we are all sinners, and Jesus died on the cross etc. and said ‘Would you like to ask Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your life?’, and he repeated the prayer after me. Hallelujah! What an answer to prayer .
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