Nkuringo Update from Sue Fermor Bradstock

April 4, 2024

in Important & Interesting!

It is part of human nature to want things that we don’t have and others do or to feel that others have a better life than us. However we know that we are privileged compared to many in the world In January this was brought vividly to our attention when Connections invited Kate Bishop a trustee of Nkuringo Education Community and Support to breakfast and to share with us the story of the Nkuringo Community. I shared something of this in a previous Connect magazine.
We were very moved by what she had to say about this small community where the Church is central to their everyday life. The instance of the little boy who gave one of his only pair of shoes to his friend who had none for example.
The generous response of those present meant that we were able to contribute to seeds for a new garden, books for the Secondary school children and to sponsor two women to join Team Women giving them access to literacy classes and to learn new ways to support their families and community.
The details of Rosette and Catherine the ladies we are supporting are on the notice board at the Church and I am hoping to meet them in May.  I am joining 16 other volunteers to travel to Nkuringo in Uganda, visiting the community, delivering aid and hopefully helping to build a Batwa house (basically a wooden structure coated in mud) to give a young family their own home.
I would appreciate your prayer support for this venture. Having seen the joy on the faces of the children when given a single matchbox car or small soft toy I am collecting these to take with me in addition to the aid that is needed which I already have. If anyone has any to spare I would be grateful for them.
Sue F B
* Sue hopes to visit May 17th—27th. (Ed) Let’s be prayerful for Sue in this venture.

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